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Web Developer Roadmap 2024

Hamed Bahram /
3 min read--- views

In this note, I will outline the path to becoming a web developer in 2024 or improving your skills by learning cutting-edge technologies. I will introduce the courses, videos, and books I have used throughout my journey, and hopefully, they will be helpful to you throughout yours.

Frontend vs Backend

The divide between frontend and backend engineers is increasingly less useful. Frontend developers are no longer just writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's now common to see a frontend-focused developer build an entire web application from scratch.

Product Engineers work backwards from the desired product experience to the set of technologies that enable it. Nice blog post by Lee Robinson from Vercel on Product engineers.

General resources

Habits & Mindset

Learning to code, or becoming better at it, is like learning anything else in your life, for example, learning to play the guitar. It's a process; you need to practice every day over some time to learn and continue to improve.

So it would help if you built a habit of learning every day. Usually, the most challenging part of doing anything is to start. The key is to start small, like 15 to 30 minutes daily.

Here is what you can do:

  • Try to wake up 30 minutes earlier than you regularly do.
  • Dedicate that 30 minutes to learning every day.
  • And keep going…
  • Thank me in 6 months.


  • Atomic habits by James Clear
  • Mindset by Carol Dweck
  • Feel good productivity by Ali Abdaal

Tech Stack


In this note, we discussed the path to becoming a web developer or improving your skills by learning cutting-edge technologies. Remember, learning to code is a process that requires daily practice and a growth mindset. Start small, build a habit of learning every day, and keep going!