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User Onboarding with NextJs, Neon, Clerk, and Upstash

Hamed Bahram /
4 min read--- views

In this blog post, we'll dive into an exciting video tutorial that walks you through the process of building a feature-rich community platform using cutting-edge technologies, with a special focus on creating an efficient and automated user onboarding flow.

Source code

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What you'll learn

Our tutorial covers the creation of a community platform designed for a hypothetical shared office space. You'll learn how to:

  1. Set up a list of companies that are part of the community
  2. Implement a sophisticated user onboarding flow for employees of these companies
  3. Utilize modern tools and frameworks to build a scalable and efficient platform

Tech stack overview

The tutorial leverages a powerful combination of technologies:

  • NextJs: A React framework for building server-side rendered and static web applications
  • Prisma: An open-source database toolkit
  • Neon: A serverless PostgreSQL database for easy scaling
  • Clerk: A complete user management solution
  • Upstash: A serverless database service, used here for implementing workflows
  • Upstash QStash: A messaging and scheduling service for background tasks

Key features of the platform

  1. Company Directory: A comprehensive list of companies within the shared office space
  2. User Onboarding: A streamlined, multi-step process for adding and engaging new users from member companies
  3. User Management: Secure and efficient user authentication and authorization

Deep dive: The customer onboarding flow

The heart of our platform is the sophisticated customer onboarding flow. Let's break it down into two crucial parts:

Part 1: Tracking onboarding progress with Clerk

We use Clerk's powerful user management features to create a smooth onboarding experience:

  1. User Metadata: Leverage Clerk's user metadata to track the onboarding status of each user.
  2. Custom Middleware: Implement NextJs middleware that checks the user's onboarding status.
  3. Conditional Redirection: Automatically redirect users who haven't completed onboarding to the '/onboarding' page.
  4. Step-by-Step Process: Guide users through a series of steps to complete their profile and set up their account.

Part 2: Automated tasks with Upstash workflows

Once a user begins the onboarding process, we use Upstash workflows to create an automated workflow:

  1. Welcome Email: Trigger an immediate welcome email to the user upon signing up.
  2. Scheduled Follow-up: Use workflows to schedule a follow-up email to be sent three days after signup.
  3. Background Processing: Handle these tasks in the background, ensuring a smooth user experience.

Tutorial breakdown

The video tutorial is divided into several key sections:

  1. Setting Up the Project: Initializing NextJs and configuring the development environment
  2. Database Setup: Implementing Prisma with Neon for a robust database solution
  3. User Authentication: Integrating Clerk for seamless user management
  4. Onboarding Workflow:
    • Creating a custom onboarding flow using Clerk's user metadata
    • Implementing NextJs middleware for onboarding status checks
    • Setting up Upstash QStash for automated email workflows
  5. Frontend Development: Building an intuitive and responsive user interface
  6. Testing and Deployment: Ensuring the platform works flawlessly and deploying it to production

Why this tech stack?

  • NextJs: Offers server-side rendering for improved performance and SEO
  • Prisma & Neon: Provides a type-safe database client with the scalability of serverless PostgreSQL
  • Clerk: Simplifies user authentication and management, with powerful metadata features for custom flows
  • Upstash & QStash: Enables the creation of efficient, serverless workflows for user onboarding and automated follow-ups

Benefits of advanced onboarding

  1. Higher Completion Rates: By tracking progress and redirecting users, we ensure more users complete the onboarding process.
  2. Improved User Engagement: Automated follow-ups keep users engaged and remind them to finish setting up their accounts.
  3. Scalability: The serverless architecture allows the platform to handle many users without performance issues.
  4. Customizable Experience: Easily modify the onboarding steps or follow-up schedule to suit your community's needs.


This video tutorial offers a comprehensive guide to building a modern, scalable community platform with a focus on user onboarding. The combination of Clerk's user management and Upstash's workflow capabilities creates a powerful, automated system that guides users smoothly into your community.

Whether you're managing a coworking space or any other type of community, the techniques and technologies covered in this tutorial will provide you with the tools you need to create a powerful, user-friendly platform with an exceptional onboarding experience.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your development skills and create something truly impressive. Watch the tutorial now and start building your community platform today!